Snow, Beauty, and Traffic

Look, if you've spent any time at this blog you know I'm a romantic, believing in the power of all those things that money can't buy, you know, art, culture, learning, beauty. However, one way I go through the business of life is to evaluate trade-offs. Today we had one of those snowfalls that gently outlines the bare branches, which together create a spectacular display, especially when the snow clears and the sky turns blue. There is in fact no winter scene more beautiful. However, my wife's commute, which normally takes 30 minutes took two hours, due to accidents in the slick conditions. The verdict? If this gorgeous storm had happened on a Saturday I would be composing hosannas to nature's wonders. However, it happened on a Wednesday. So, in this trade-off, the beauty probably wasn't worth the traffic hell. Elvis Costello had an album called All This Useless Beauty. This is something like that, I guess.


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