The Pristine Thesaursus


Everything stacked in
Reverse chronological order
Unforgettable, transparent
Post-its positioned just so

The pristine thesaurus
The geography of human life
The world religions survey
Hiding all the passwords

And everywhere the dimming light
A brief history of time
Exaltations of marathons
Unshakeable faith in the twelve bar blues


Baritone cut-up pompously profound Zen
And I wanted to for the former

A harmless story or have added security
Their race fell deep into the better known

To become a bit mesmerized by his theory
There’s no combat medic here

That method through doleful raw voice
Nevertheless a refusal to take it back


In the midst of the limits and transitoriness of human existence
Institutions were built around belief structures
To convince people that they were right.
Who then is really in charge of human history?
Here the biblical method is unambiguously dialogical.
You could say if you are defending your positions you are not serious.
He began searching for ways to implement his newly conscious philosophy.

Sources for Part III: Steven Hawking, A Brief History of Time; Will Whittle, How To Stop Believing In War; Rosemary Radford Reuther, Disputed Questions; Wesley Ariarajah, The Bible and People of Other Faiths; David Bohm, On Dialogue; Melissa Everett, Breaking Ranks

M. Bogen
December 2019
