
Showing posts from 2019

The Pristine Thesaursus

Terry Callier: "People Get Ready / Brotherly Love"

Photo: Footsteps

Untitled Poem For Just Another Friday

Snow, Beauty, and Traffic

John Marin's Wabi Sabi

My Year In Music: Single Song Playlists, #1 (Everything Happens To Me)

Keep Moving

Tony Hoagland: "America"

The Metta Sutta

(I've Got Those) Diagonal Blues

"I Just Wasn't Made For These Times"

Brice Marden's Patio

Sesshu's Splashed Ink Landscape

Solitary Leaf, #2

Nick Lowe: "I Live On a Battlefield"

He's "All In On Corruption"

Solitary Leaf

Rousseau & Ray: Figures Sleeping Outside

The Emperor With the Best, Most Beautiful Clothes

The Praying Mantis and Me

Ripple: Robert Hunter's Spirituality

My Neighbor's Tree, #32

Ken Burns' Country Music

Garland Jeffreys: Revolution of the Mind

Moon Over Provincetown Harbor

John Marin's "Mt. Chocorua No. 1"

Joanna Pousette-Dart: That Immediate Hit

The Cone of Uncertainty

Two Religion Jokes

Photo: Shadow & Light

Brad Mehldau Covers Radiohead

Can a Song Change Your Life?

A Love Supreme, Renaissance Style

Willie Nelson: She Is Gone

Mellow Middle Period LeWitt

LeWitt Black and White Curve Sequence

Poem: After Sol LeWitt

Organic Collage at Pavillon Le Corbusier

Kevin Young: "Negative"

On Meaning In Poetry

Dylan's "I Threw It All Away"

Nadar's 19th c. Photographic Portraits

Poem: Ground of My Being (All My Pills)

Corbu As Palate Cleanser

Stop the Iran Madness

Dr. John: "Such A Night" (and Market Capitalism, Too)

Saint Jerome's Meditation

Lake Como Room With a View

In the Traveling Zone

So Many Jesuses to Choose From

Back from Italy

Poem: Where It’s At

Elvis Costello & Charlie Haden: "You Win Again"

Martin Puryear Sculpture

Vapor Trail

Poem: "Foreign Policy"

Two Abstracts

Poem: Blameless Life

My Syllabus

What They've Been Up To

Kip Hanrahan: "Shadow Song (Mario's In)"

Poem: "Two Days After the Mueller Report"

TC Cannon's Creative Engagement