Poem: More Propositions

That there is no wrong side of history
That the invisible flower is fragrant

That they knew not what they did
That everyone longs to be off the hook 

That inside out is better than outside in
That the day comes to lay down your arms

That some are seekers and some are finders
That many fear the awakening stick

That nobody knows how we ended up here
That somewhere somebody loves what you hate

That some people never do find the words
That children play at skipping stones

That no light is bad light on the harbor
That nobody likes the current situation

That many live someone else’s life
That you are meant to be the age you are

That it’s good to think inside the box
That your body is a convenience store

That sometimes intimates are inmates
That it’s good to find out who your friends are

That Jesus wasn’t necessarily the nicest guy
That Lassie was good dog

M. Bogen
Sept. 2022

