Let's Shut His Damn Pie Hole

Remember how several years ago everyone used to say "Shut your pie hole"? Little did we know, heading into 2016, that the next four years would be nothing except Trump's pie hole. Good lord. It's not just the whinging sound of it, or the fire hose of deceit and calumny that flooded forth from it, but the grotesque image of it that we had look at in lead photo after lead photo. I guess we'll never be able to unsee that, but we finally have a chance to make it stop. And that, my fellow citizens, is my closing pitch: Let's shut his damn pie hole! On a related note, just came across this apt quote in a recent piece by David Frum at the Atlantic, a concise line that Raymond Chandler had Philip Marlowe say: “You talk too damn much and too damn much of it is about you.” That pretty much sums it up.


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