The Blues (for Willie Dixon)

There is the sad blues and the happy blues.
There is the stately blues and the ragged blues.
There is the strutting blues.
There is the understated blues and the shout from the rooftops blues.
There is the chops crazy blues.
There is the man on his porch with his dog acoustic blues.
There is the minimal blues and the maximal blues.
There is the funny blues.
There is the can't take no more blues.
There is the bad marriage blues and the good marriage blues.
There is the Saturday night only comes once a week blues.
There is the scratchy record blues.
There is the believer blues and the unbeliever blues.
There is your blues and somebody else's blues.
There is the sneaky blues.
There is the punch you in the face blues and the punch in the gut blues.
There is the pretty blues and the ugly blues.
There is the death of your mother blues and the death of your father blues.
There is the death of your dog blues and the death of your cat blues.
There is the two in the morning blues and the sunrise blues.
There is the ain't got nuthin' blues and the too much to choose from blues.
There is the chip on the shoulder blues and the don't give a shit blues.
There is the unforgiving blues and the healing blues.
There is the just lost a friend blues.
There is the universal blues.
There is the secret blues.
There is the eternal blues and the here one minute and gone the next blues.
There is the deep in denial blues.
There is the shoulder shrugging blues.
There is the cheating blues and the been cheated on blues.
There is the walking on eggshells blues.
There is the invincible blues.
There is the blues of yesterday and the blues of tomorrow. 

M. Bogen
Oct. 2020


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