A Fun Party Game: "It Should Go Without Saying . . ."

Hey, here's a neat parlor game for your next socially-distanced gathering. It's fun and easy to play. All you need is to go around the room and ask each person to complete this sentence: "It should go without saying, but no President should ever _________ ." Here are just a few interesting examples:

It should go without saying, but no President should ever rage-Tweet in the middle of the night -- in all caps with misspellings and crazed syntax.

It should go without saying, but no President should ever actively endeavor to undermine our elections.

It should go without saying, but no President should ever use the power of the office to spread misinformation and support conspiracy theorists on a regular basis, even during a medical crisis.

It should go without saying, but no President should ever actively incite violence and division when the country is at a boiling point over race and justice issues.

It should go without saying, but no President should ever steal money from a charity which he had set up to supposedly help veterans.

As you can imagine, there's virtually no end to the sentences you can create! So refill those drinks, people, it's going to be a fun evening! That is, unless your stomach ulcer acts up and sends you home early.


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