The President is a Disgrace

A few weeks ago I posited here that we would all be better off if the proud teetotaler Trump took up drinking. Then, just last week, he went into full Trump mode and demonstrated exactly why. During the Kavanaugh debacle, there was Trump on TV saying that, unlike the SCOTUS nominee, he's 100 percent sober. He identified this as "one of his few good qualities." It seemed like a rare moment of possible self awareness. But then there he was the very next day acting out like a complete asshole at one of his patented "Nuremberg Lite" rallies, wherein he goes full demagogue for, what, an hour or more? In this case lying about and mocking Blasey Ford. Now this -- this was what his people came for! His crowds get intoxicated on this kind of cruelty, and the more they cheer, the "drunker" Trump gets, at which point he is unable to stop himself, and starts riffing (imbibing) his way into further cruelty and indignity. Yep, Trump is a drunk and a disgrace, and I'm filled with deep shame that he represents not just the Republican Party but the United States.


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