My Pedogogical Faith

For two decades I have worked in education, mostly in the realm of what might be called peace and tolerance education. I know that Cambridge Rindge and Latin, where the bombers went, is committed to this pedagogy, and almost certainly they were exposed to curricula along the lines of Facing History and Ourselves, which helps students confront man's inhumanity to man (not their wording), as well as the positive things people can do to create communities that respect the inviolable dignity of all persons.

So, do the heinous acts of these morally blind individuals mean that kind of education doesn't work? I think not. It will always be impossible to reach every person. However, I believe educational cultures that stress tolerance, peace, and creativity can make persons such as those bombers extreme outliers. If we keep the faith, they will be increasingly isolated and will find it ever more difficult to convince others to join them in their hateful, empty causes. Through education we create the scenario -- the communities -- in which they must act as "lone wolves" rather than participants in a movement.

ADDED: 4-22

The brothers were also engaged in and excelled at sports. Sometimes the older one trained at the Somerville Boxing Club, which is devoted to getting troubled kids on track. Yet the brothers still went horribly astray, leaving behind all the positive influences they were exposed to. Sports will continue to play a role in developing strong character, we can be sure of that.

Another angle on this is that the younger brother was a pothead. Potheads, of course, are considered to be pretty nonviolent people, clearly less prone to violent outbursts than certain alcoholics and speed freaks. Maybe that bomber is the exception that proves the rule.


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