Verse: "What I'm Gonna Do"

I’m gonna go and get a fake meat sandwich
Lie down on a bed of nails for a nap
Get up and stagger down endless hallways
Until I end up at your door

I’m gonna go and produce some knowledge
Invent new stories about the past
I’ll stand on my head for hours
Until I remember what we came here for

I’m gonna paint myself into a corner
And crack up like one of those Old Masters
Go and kick someone when they’re up
Do whatever I can to even the score

I’m gonna make like Methuselah
Wander the earth for a thousand years
I’ll make my opinion known at 10,000 websites
And never once come across as a bore

I’m gonna go and get a fake meat sandwich
Lie down on a bed of nails for a nap
Get up and stagger down endless hallways
Until I end up at your door

M. Bogen
October 2022
