A Dozen Semi-Random Thoughts - Linguistics Edition

1. Too much belief in YOLO leads to excess FOMO.

2. The spread of LOL is in inverse proportion to actual LOL-ing.

3. Using FYI in a business communication comes across as considerate, but actually saying it would come across as rude as hell.

4. The best popular abbreviation is WTF, hands down.

5. I never say "suit yourself." My suggestions aren't that good.

6. I never say "bougie." I am the very embodiment of it, but I hate the way it sounds.

7. I never say "my bad," because it can only make things worse. Oh, and I hate the way it sounds.

8. I never say that I "dig" this or that. There was only about a two-year period, say 1957-58, when it was fresh, and bringing it back now fails to imbue it with rejuvenated hipness. 

9. Whenever I say "with all due respect," it's because I'm seething with contempt.

10. I love cursing, but some times I'll toss in a "frickin'" -- not out of decorum but just for variety. 

11. I draw the line at the "c-word," but in Britain it's totally common and used for men, rather like a more extreme version of "jerk."

12. I’m not opposed to it, but I rarely say “motherfucker,” because, well, I’m not Miles Davis.

Bonus Thought:
Why do writerly writers always say "risible" when they could just say "laughable"?


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