The Way It Is: 20 Semi-Random Thoughts

Until you’ve been disabused of at least a couple strongly held convictions it’s hard to see anything clearly at all, at least the extent to which they deal with good guys and bad guys.

People only hear what they want to hear. In the 70s and 80s everyone went around telling each other cocaine wasn’t addictive as they did another line.

It literally takes balls to achieve what Lia Thomas is achieving. 

No one is immune from either self-hypnosis or the placebo effect.

Beliefs are like weather patterns.

The most strongly-held opinions often pertain to things one knows the least about.

You can’t truly help others if you’re unconsciously grinding an axe somewhere in the process.

There’s a difference between making a essential contribution and being personally indispensable. 

No action is the result of a single motivation and no outcome the result of a single cause.

People need to go through what they need to go through; there's no way around it.

The funny thing about the Middle Way is that it is narrow, not broad. And it is yours and yours alone.

Everyone’s suffering is big enough for them.

John Trudell said there’s something good in feeling good.

Some people get angry if it is suggested that happiness is the purpose of life.

It’s odd when someone tries to convince you there’s no free will.

Escapism can be healthy. So can a bad memory.

The duel of historical grievances never comes to anything good.

Win-win doesn’t mean there aren’t trade-offs.

Don’t be a martyr. Unless you want to.

I wasn't a cat guy, until I was.


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