More Random Thoughts

The world won't end, it will just keep becoming more engineered.

When they say the universe was born 14 billion years ago, what they are saying is that time doesn't actually exist and this is how we make sense of that.

In this home we believe that love hurts and science is weird.

I never live in the moment.

You can't cancel a Zen master.

From the middle you are open to everything.

I can understand the reason for all that exists, except Don Jr.

Cell phones are not advancing the art of conversation.

It's impossible for influence to go in just one direction.

Cultural appropriation and gentrification get a bad rap.

Being liminal is considered more desirable than being marginal.

Interesting that Bob Dylan never offers political opinions.

Strange what passes for female empowerment.

Everybody references Kabuki theater, but nobody has seen it.

In the contradiction between "curiosity killed the cat" and "a cat has nine lives," I'll go with the latter. 


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