Love Is Love: Dexter's Gone

Our pug, Dexter, March 28, 2002 to June 27, 2013

Our eleven year journey with our beloved little pug Dexter came to an end last week. Lynn and I don't have children, so it's no exaggeration to say that he was everything to us. He battled various ailments through his life but his spirit was always very, very strong. He was our brave heart boy and funny face boy and we loved him until our hearts would burst. A friend sent those lovely lines of Auden, that I will share here. "He was my North, my South, my East and West, my working week and Sunday rest." There is a hole in our hearts and home that I trust time and the love of family and friends will fill.

We will miss him and laugh about him and be grateful every day for all the miraculous years we spent being with, playing with, and caring for our beautiful little friend.

UPDATE: 7-1-13

I keep hearing Paul Simon's words from "Graceland" in my head:

Losing love
Is like a window in your heart
Everybody sees you're blown apart
Everybody sees the wind blow

When I see reminders of Dexter around the house a wind of loss blows through my chest. But I'm not ready to put his things away yet.

Lynn and I often spoke of his "profile in courage." You Boomers will get the joke. This is from the summer of 2011.
