My Take on Game of Thrones

So many of you have written* asking me about my thoughts on "Game of Thrones," I decided to share some here.

1. Every time I watch those two bearded weirdos explain key scenes during the "Inside the Episode" segment that runs after the closing credits, I'm like, how come I didn't understand any of that when I was watching the actual scene?

2. I never thought it would ever even occur to me that a show could be guilty of gratuitous sex and nudity, but there it is. "The Tudors" looks like "Little House on the Prairie" by comparison.

3. I like how that Wildling girl calls him "Jon Snow" all the time. I think I'll start doing that, address everyone by their first and last name.

4. Peter Dinklage's fake British accent is adorable. It's plausible, if not quite realistic. And it really sticks in your head, kind of like Renee Zellweger's Bridget Jones voice.

5. George R. R. Martin is kind of lazy with those names. The Red Waste? The Brotherhood Without Banners? The White Walkers?

6. Like everyone, I'd like one of those dragons as a pet.

* No one wrote, but I always wanted to start a blog post like that.


  1. Mitch Bogen, I have been meaning to write in and ask you that very question. How clever of you to anticipate it. I haven't yet watched Game of Thrones, but if there is more s-e-x in it than in the Tudors, I know I'd spend each episode in a paroxysm of embarrassment. It's the Catholic upbringing without the concomitant Catholic education, which seems to act as an antidote to the nuns' teachings.


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