Take a Look Around!
Hey, while I'm thinking about what to discuss in my next post, I thought I would just invite all of you, my precious and irreplaceable readers, to take a look through the archives of the site. I've created more than 1300 posts over the years, and whenever I decide to go back and check some out, I'm always pleased to I discover that many of them are actually pretty good, even when perceived with the cold clarity of many years' distance. It is my intent that my posts get consistently better with time, but the truth is that some of the older ones may be good in ways that are inaccessible to me now, since I'm not the same person. But, who knows, continuity might actually be the main story.
There are two main ways to search: If you go to the upper left menu box you can access the archives, which are listed in reverse chronological order. I encourage you to live wild and free and click on 2015 or something, instead of just going sequentially. And you can also search using labels. The main ones are music, art, poetry, photography, and commentary. But, as you will see, I have considered a rather substantial variety of people and themes.
So, there it is. Knock yourself out!
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