
Showing posts from 2020

My New Year's Wish

Chet Baker: "Look for the Silver Lining"

Poem: "Invisible Unfelt"


Poem: "That Would Be Me"

"The Holy Trinity"

Poem: "How I Cried"

Poem: "A Brief History of Aesthetics"

Short Robert Creeley Poems

Brad Mehldau: "Look for the Silver Lining"

Walden Gallery

Tony Bennett: "Look for the Silver Lining"

Photo: "Happily Ever After"

Subterranean Stuff

Poem: "History of the Universe"

Martin Puryear Sculpture, with Race Extrapolations

Billie Holiday: "These Foolish Things"

The Blues (for Willie Dixon)

Corbu's Carpenter Center

James Taylor's "Moon River"

Two Poems

Political Rhetoric as Neck Tattoo

Photo: Immanence

More Nordahl Knot Art

Cancel Cultures, Left and Right

Agnes Pelton Spiritualist Paintings

Magnhild Øen Nordahl's Artful Knots

Scattered Applause for Geniuses

Thoughts Are Things

Bacharach Sings "Alfie"

A Fun Party Game: "It Should Go Without Saying . . ."

Ken Kesey's Spiritual Universe

Kathi Robinson Frank Abstract

Have I Been Unfair to Them?

Warren Isensee Pop Art Mandala

Karen Solie: "Life is a Carnival"

Public Service Announcement

The Great American Songbook

My Victory Over Them

Poem: Me, Tarzan

I Know the Feeling

Ming Smith Jazz Portraits

Summer Clouds

Silvio Rodriguez & Eduardo Aute: Rabo de Nube

DEM Singers: "Hold On"

Poem: And Here We Are

Henry Beston on the Nature of Animals

Them, Me

Sinead: Thank You For Hearing Me

Pandemic Thoughts

Photo: "Instant Karma"

The Power of the Nonessential

Poem: "Pandemic Weekend"

Photo: "Quarantine"

John Prine's "Souvenirs": Impermanence and Epigrams