Great Photo from Paul Theroux's "Deep South"

Photograph by Steve McCurry
Boarded up buildings are never good. They refuse to let the past be gone; in fact they put past failure right up in your face. Worse, they seem to block off the future. Socio-historically then, the photo is good. Was that a train station? A post office? Does that train even run now? But it's the composition of the image that I like most. Starting at the left we see two mounded forms, trees filled in by the messy fractals of the branching. Midway across, the pole signals a shift to hard angles. I like how the Railroad Crossing sign and the Speed Limit sign appear to be stylized geometric distillations of the trees. And the partial image of the building in the puddle symbolizes the truncation of the past, denying full continuity to the future.


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